Consulting on the design of electromechanical systems in civil and industrial works: factories, factories, apartments, hotels, resorts, commercial centers, schools, hospitals,….
1. Light power system design consultancy
The light power system includes the following items:
- Security camera system, alarm, anti-break-in,…
- Internet infrastructure, Wifi, Server, Lan, computer, printer,…
- Analog or IP inter-call center system
- Notification sound system, multi-zone audio,…
- Card locking system from the hotel,…
- Light electrical and lightning-resistant system
- Analog AND IP TV systems
Supplies equipment Cabinet System Rack Monitoring system Server Room
2. Design consultancy of Electrical system – water supply and drainage
The electrical system includes:
- Substations and lines
- Resistance power compensation station
- Low Voltage Cabinet
- Distribution Power Cabinet
- Floor power cables, rooms
- Power cable power supply socket, lighting
- Power cable paths and threading pipes protect electrical conductors
- Equipment closed, anti-leakage, anti-recoil
- Air conditioning, ventilation power supply
- Suction Fan Power Supply
- Switches, lights
- Smart electrical equipment
Water supply and drainage systems include:
- Water supply system
- Drainage system
Total electrical cabinets Input connection Drainage system Water supply Pumps
3. Air Conditioning System Design Consultancy
The air conditioning system includes the following items:
- 2-piece air conditioner wall mounted
- Air conditioner 2 pieces bare
- VRV Central Air Conditioner
- Fan system, ventilation, fresh air supply, exhaust sucking
- Air conditioning and ventilation systems for clean rooms, hospitals, operating rooms
Wind Pipe Connection Ceiling VRV Hot Truss Vacuum Co-connected Pipe
4. Consulting on fire protection system design
Fire protection systems include:
- Automatic fire alarm system: regular fire alarm and address fire alarm
- Wall Fire Fighting System
- Automatic fire suppression system: Spinkler, drencher, water fire extinguisher, powder, foam, gas,…
- Gas cylinders and fire extinguishers on site; rules, orders,…
5. Design Consultancy of Lightning Protection and Contact System
Lightning and landing protection are 2 separate systems but closely related to each other
Lightning protection system includes: straight lightning protection, horizontal lightning protection, lightning spread protection The system of contact includes: heavy power and
light powering, lightning resistance, … Work contacts.
6. Solar Energy System Design Consultancy
A solar energy system is a system that converts solar energy in the form of photovoltaics into other forms of energy that meet the needs of human life. In current practice, solar energy is converted to electricity and thermal energy is primarily; electricity to serve the needs of electricity, heat capacity to serve the needs of heat
To advise on the design of solar energy systems, engineers need to have general knowledge about temperature, climate, regional weather because this system is highly dependent on sunlight during the day, during the year.
Next, it is necessary to calculate the choice of solar panels if using solar power and heat absorbing tubes if using solar hot water system, suitable equipment to save initial investment costs while still bringing high economic efficiency, Avoid wasting your money.
7. Design consultancy Smart apartment system, smart building
In today’s world, technology is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. Everything is now geared towards automation. Because of this, smart apartments, smart homes also grow greatly. Now, everything is controlled through a touch on the phone screen, or the voice of the owner. This system makes people’s lives more comfortable and quality.
To advise on the design of this system, it is necessary for engineers to have knowledge of many areas: electricity, water supply and drainage, air conditioning, fire prevention, light electricity, network, telephone, television, camera,… To be able to combine them into a system that can be controlled through a touch on the phone screen, or can be controlled by voice.